Category Archives: Uncategorized

Becky Rogers

Becky Rogers takes you home every afternoon with updates on Traffic, Local News and Information plus Today's Hits and Yesterdays Favorites on B 98.5!MORE

Randy Cain

Randy Cain keeps you going at work 9am to 2pm with Today's Hits and Yesterday's Favorites…plus the 9am Non-Stop Music Hour & the BISTRO lunch – featuring songs you haven't heard iMORE

Station Info

B 98.5 is Central Arkansas #1 Choice for Workday Listening!MORE

Station Info

Has an maiorum detraxit. Verear tibique adversarium ad mel, ea sed integre moderatius repudiandae. Luptatum mediocrem in eos. Ex per movet abhorreant. Mei ne malis fugit voluptatum, eu mentitum inveniMORE


On a completed site, this would be a page with videos embedded into it.MORE
